
Team Faces of Rotterdam

17o+ Rotterdamers

170+ Rotterdammers, Woven into My Lens: Faces of Rotterdam


Rotterdam is home to more than different nationalities, making it one of the most diverse cities in the world. We want to capture this diversity in a series of portraits and stories that will be shared to the city exhibited throughout the city later in 2025.

 A simple fact in an article – More than 170 nationalities call Rotterdam home – sparked a burning curiosity. Who are these people, and what makes them choose this city?

That’s why we embarked on this project, “Faces of Rotterdam.” 

Join us on a journey to meet individuals from each nationality, each with their unique answer and story to the question: “What drew you, of all places in the world, to Rotterdam?” 


February. 2024


Willemijn de Koning


For ten years, Willemijn worked as a journalist and communication specialist, sharing the stories of people who often go unheard. She reported on issues faced by single mothers, LGBTQ+ communities, and refugees in Morocco. Her work also explored the experiences of donor children in the Netherlands through a documentary.

Willemijn felt called to do more than just report on these challenges. She wanted to empower people to create positive change. That’s why she shifted her focus to policy and politics. She recognized the gap between citizens, especially minorities, and those who make decisions.

Now, Willemijn bridges this gap. She uses her skills in communication, presentations, and project leadership to help people tell their stories and influence the policies that affect their lives.


Robert Tjalondo


The world has always been my playground, thanks to my unique family background. With a dad who immigrated from Indonesia and a mom who’s half Dutch and half Indo, I grew up surrounded by a rich blend of cultures. This early exposure sparked a lifelong fascination with the stories etched on every face.

After honing my craft at the Utrecht University of the Arts, I embarked on a decade-long journey capturing the essence of impactful events and portraits. 

But Rotterdam, my vibrant hometown, holds a special place in my heart. That’s why I’m thrilled to be the founder of a project that aims to capture the faces of all 172 nationalities that call this city home. It’s a celebration of human connection and the incredible beauty of diversity.

My clients include: Erasmus University Rotterdam, L’Oréal, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WE Fashion, Rode Kruis Nederland, and many more.

Let’s Connect

Curious to learn more?
Pose, sponsor, contribute, share – there are countless ways to get involved. Let’s talk!

Willemijn de Koning | Projectmanager

Robert Tjalondo | Photographer
06-4123 3738

Voorhaven 57,
3025 HD Rotterdam

170+ Rotterdammers

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